Cold Chain logistics is vital for various products in today’s world not only for food products but pharmaceutical and chemical products as well. Increasing demand and overstocks require extra storage sites. Instead of building new cold storage sites, an ArcticStore provides an optimum solution with user friendly tools and a power efficient cooling system.
A Worldwide Company’s Turkey office hired a 40’ ArcticStore in Istanbul to store its frozen food products. First impressions from our customer indicate that more 40’ ArcticStores will be required soon!
An ArcticStore is an ideal solution with low power consumption and a reliable high quality cooling system with a wide adjustable temperature range from -40 C to +30 C.
Our company provides perfect solutions for Cold Chain Logistics with ArcticStore and SuperStore. We also have special cold storage units; ArcticBlast(20’ & 40’ Blast Freezer and UltraFreezer ( down to -60 C).
Please click for more information on our product range.